AsyncDisplayKit is now Texture! LEARN MORE



ASCellNode, as you may have guessed, is the cell class of Texture. Unlike the various cells in UIKit, ASCellNode can be used with ASTableNodes, ASCollectionNodes and ASPagerNodes, making it incredibly flexible.

3 Ways to Party

There are three ways in which you can implement the cells you’ll use in your Texture app: subclassing ASCellNode, initializing with an existing ASDKViewController or using an existing UIView or CALayer.


Subclassing an ASCellNode is pretty much the same as subclassing a regular ASDisplayNode.

Most likely, you’ll write a few of the following:

Initializing with an ASDKViewController

Say you already have some type of view controller written to display a view in your app. If you want to take that view controller and drop its view in as a cell in one of the scrolling nodes or a pager node its no problem.

For example, say you already have a view controller written that manages an ASTableNode. To use that table as a page in an ASPagerNode you can use -initWithViewControllerBlock.

- (ASCellNode *)pagerNode:(ASPagerNode *)pagerNode nodeAtIndex:(NSInteger)index
    NSArray *animals = self.allAnimals[index];
    ASCellNode *node = [[ASCellNode alloc] initWithViewControllerBlock:^UIViewController * _Nonnull{
        return [[AnimalTableNodeController alloc] initWithAnimals:animals];
    } didLoadBlock:nil]; = pagerNode.bounds.size;
    return node;

And this works for any combo of scrolling container node and UIViewController subclass. You want to embed random view controllers in your collection node? Go for it.

Notice that you need to set the .style.preferredSize of a node created this way. Normally your nodes will implement -layoutSpecThatFits: but since these don't you'll need give the cell a size.

Initializing with a UIView or CALayer

Alternatively, if you already have a UIView or CALayer subclass that you’d like to drop in as cell you can do that instead.

- (ASCellNode *)pagerNode:(ASPagerNode *)pagerNode nodeAtIndex:(NSInteger)index
    NSArray *animal = self.animals[index];
    ASCellNode *node = [[ASCellNode alloc] initWithViewBlock:^UIView * _Nonnull{
        return [[SomeAnimalView alloc] initWithAnimal:animal];
    }]; = pagerNode.bounds.size;
    return node;

As you can see, its roughly the same idea. That being said, if you’re doing this, you may consider converting the existing UIView subclass to be an ASCellNode subclass in order to gain the advantage of asynchronous display.

Never Show Placeholders

Usually, if a cell hasn’t finished its display pass before it has reached the screen it will show placeholders until it has completed drawing its content.

If placeholders are unacceptable, you can set an ASCellNode’s neverShowPlaceholders property to YES.

node.neverShowPlaceholders = YES;

With this property set to YES, the main thread will be blocked until display has completed for the cell. This is more similar to UIKit, and in fact makes Texture scrolling visually indistinguishable from UIKit’s, except being faster.

Using this option does not eliminate all of the performance advantages of Texture. Normally, a cell has been preloading and is almost done when it reaches the screen, so the blocking time is very short. Even if the rangeTuningParameters are set to 0 this option outperforms UIKit. While the main thread is waiting, subnode display executes concurrently.

UITableViewCell specific propertys

UITableViewCell has properties like selectionStyle, accessoryType and seperatorInset that many of us use sometimes to give the Cell more detail. For this case ASCellNode has the same (passthrough) properties that can be used.

UIKits UITableViewCell contains ASCellNode as a subview. Depending how your ASLayoutSpec is defined it may occur that your Layout overlays the UITableViewCell.accessoryView and therefore is not visible. Make sure that your Layout doesn't overlay any of UITableViewCell's specific properties.

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