ASTableView Class Reference

Inherits from UITableView
Declared in ASTableView.h


Asynchronous UITableView with Intelligent Preloading capabilities.

ASTableView is a true subclass of UITableView, meaning it is pointer-compatible with code that currently uses UITableView

The main difference is that asyncDataSource expects -nodeForRowAtIndexPath, an ASCellNode, and the heightForRowAtIndexPath: method is eliminated (as are the performance problems caused by it). This is made possible because ASCellNodes can calculate their own size, and preload ahead of time.

Note: ASTableNode is strongly recommended over ASTableView. This class is provided for adoption convenience.


The corresponding table node, or nil if one does not exist.

@property (nonatomic, weak, readonly) ASTableNode *tableNode

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– nodeForRowAtIndexPath:

Retrieves the node for the row at the given index path.

- (nullable ASCellNode *)nodeForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath

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YES to automatically adjust the contentOffset when cells are inserted or deleted “before” visible cells, maintaining the users' visible scroll position. Currently this feature tracks insertions, moves and deletions of cells, but section edits are ignored.

@property (nonatomic) BOOL automaticallyAdjustsContentOffset


default is NO.

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The number of screens left to scroll before the delegate -tableView:beginBatchFetchingWithContext: is called.

@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat leadingScreensForBatching


Defaults to two screenfuls.

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