ASAsciiArtBoxCreator Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in ASAsciiArtBoxCreator.h


A that takes a parent and its children and renders as ascii art box.

+ horizontalBoxStringForChildren:parent:

Renders an ascii art box with the children aligned horizontally Example: ————ASStackLayoutSpec———–

| ASTextNode ASTextNode ASTextNode |

+ (NSString *)horizontalBoxStringForChildren:(NSArray<NSString*> *)children parent:(NSString *)parent

Declared In


+ verticalBoxStringForChildren:parent:

Renders an ascii art box with the children aligned vertically. Example: –ASStackLayoutSpec– | ASTextNode | | ASTextNode |

| ASTextNode |

+ (NSString *)verticalBoxStringForChildren:(NSArray<NSString*> *)children parent:(NSString *)parent

Declared In
