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Hit Test Slop

ASDisplayNode has a hitTestSlop property of type UIEdgeInsets that when set to a non-zero inset, increase the bounds for hit testing to make it easier to tap or perform gestures on this node.

ASDisplayNode is the base class for all nodes, so this property is available on any of Texture’s nodes.

Note: This affects the default implementation of -hitTest and -pointInside, so subclasses should call super if you override it and want hitTestSlop applied.

A node’s ability to capture touch events is restricted by its parent’s bounds + parent hitTestSlop UIEdgeInsets. Should you want to extend the hitTestSlop of a child outside its parent’s bounds, simply extend the parent node’s hitTestSlop to include the child’s hitTestSlop needs.


A common need for hit test slop, is when you have a text node (aka label) you’d like to use as a button. Often, the text node’s height won’t meet the 44 point minimum recommended for tappable areas. In that case, you can calculate the difference, and apply a negative inset to your label to increase the tappable area.

ASTextNode *textNode = [[ASTextNode alloc] init];

CGFloat padding = (44.0 - button.bounds.size.height)/2.0;
textNode.hitTestSlop = UIEdgeInsetsMake(-padding, 0, -padding, 0);
To visualize hitTestSlop, check out the debug tool.

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